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VRM Swansea. DVLA RNPS:3166

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Find & Buy Private Number Plates

Use our advanced search tools and expertly written guides to help find your perfect Private Number Plates.

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Special Search / Browse Areas

  • Coverplate hotlist
  • We have compiled a selection of pre-owned number plates that represent amazing value! get yours before it's gone. These attractive and memorable number plates are ideal for disguising the age of your vehicle.

  • All Preowned
  • Search or browse through thousands of pre-owned private number plates. Our unique system allows you to tailor how you view your results including being able to see prices including or excluding fees.

  • New Releases
  • Search and Order your latest issue DVLA plates now and we'll do our best to have them transferred to your new vehicle before you collect it from the dealers! (just choose our Full Transfer Option)

  • Most Popular Searches
  • From your feedback, we have grouped results for the most popular searches in alphabetical order to save you time.

    Sell A Registration Mark

    If you no longer wish to own the rights to your cherished registration mark then you can list it for sale through our website using our free seller's service. All you will need to do is decide on your price and follow the online instructions to complete our online registration process.

    Number Plate Guides

    If you are new to private number plates, we understand that it can often feel daunting and confusing. Therefore we have compiled four comprehensive guides that will take you through the process step by step. You will also find information about us, our frequently asked questions and how to contact us.

    Find a Private Number Plate Guide

    This guide will show you how to use our industry-leading search tools to find the perfect private number plate. We will introduce you to clever tricks that will make finding the perfect private number plate easy.

    Buy a Personalised Number Plate Guide

    Once you are happy with your selection of personalised number plate, use our simple and secure checkout process online or buy over the telephone at no extra cost. We offer a comprehensive range of services, ensuring that the whole process is completed as smoothly as possible.

    Use a Private Registration Guide

    When you're ready to assign the new private registration to a vehicle, you'll need to either submit your application to the DVLA or to us to check and submit. Once your application has been successfully processed, simply fit the new number plates and update your insurance company.

    Sell a Cherished Registration Guide

    Our service fees are paid by the buyer and we keep them as low as possible to achieve a quicker sale for you. Decide on the price you want for your cherished number plate, complete a short form and follow the instructions online to complete the registration process. It really is that simple!

    Transfer Age Rules Checker

    You cannot assign a registration mark to a vehicle if the registration's 'age identifier' is more recent than the date the vehicle was first registered. Make sure you can use the registration mark on your vehicle by using this handy tool.

    About Us & Our Policies

    Information about who we are, what we do, our opening times, our policies, terms and conditions, and more.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We understand that buying and selling private number plates can seem complicated so we've answered many frequently asked questions within the guides on this website.

    Number Plates